My full publications list is on Google Scholar. (Due to the possibility of making minor updates to the published version on arXiv, please refer to the following links on my homepage for the latest version of my publications if you are interested in them)
Note that * denotes equal contributions.
Recent Preprints
Second-Order Min-Max Optimization with Lazy Hessians.
Lesi Chen*, Chengchang Liu*, and Jingzhao Zhang. [arXiv 2024]Near-Optimal Nonconvex-Strongly-Convex Bilevel Optimization with Fully First-Order Oracles.
Lesi Chen*, Yaohua Ma*, and Jingzhao Zhang. [arXiv 2023]Near-Optimal Algorithms for Making the Gradient Small in Stochastic Minimax Optimization.
Lesi Chen and Luo Luo. [arxiv 2022] accepted by JMLR
Selected Publications
Functionally Constrained Algorithm Solves Convex Simple Bilevel Problems.
Huaqing Zhang*, Lesi Chen*, Jing Xu, and Jingzhao Zhang. [NeurIPS 2024]On Finding Small Hyper-Gradients in Bilevel Optimization: Hardness Results and Improved Analysis.
Lesi Chen*, Jing Xu*, and Jingzhao Zhang. [COLT 2024]Faster Gradient-Free Algorithms for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization.
Lesi Chen, Jing Xu, and Luo Luo. [ICML 2023]