1 minute read




必要条件 necessary condition

经验主义 empiricism

漏洞 loophole

罗斯福新政 The Roosevelt New Deal 

政治利益 political interests

折中的 eclectic

净化水质和空气 purify water and air

子孙后代的利益 interests of future generations

经济补贴 economic subsidies

精英主义 elitism

干涉自由 interfere freedom

规划职业道路 plan career path

有偏向性的 biased

式微 decline

固定性思维 fixed thinking pattern

应试技巧 test-taking skill

灌输政治意识形态 instill political ideology

独裁统治 autocracy/monocracy

控制思想 control thought

开放性讨论 open-ended discussion

解放思想 emancipate the mind

最大限度地 to the maximum

舆论压力 public opinion pressure

悬而未决 be in suspense

防患于未然 nip in the bud

在一定程度上 to a certain extent

片面的 one-sided

全面的 all-rounded

核 nuclear

布鲁诺 Bruno

一概而论 hastily generalize

创新精神 creative/pioneering spirit

崭露头角 cut a striking figure

名誉的包袱 the burden/cloth-wrapper/millstone of fame

自我推翻 self-overthrow

天经地义 as unalterable principles

孙子兵法 The Art of War

全面发展 develop in full scale

心智健全 sound mind

赎罪心理 atonement psychology

强制性的 compulsory

无可厚非的 justifiable

本质 essence

从自己的立场出发 from one’s own standpoint

基因编辑 gene editing

完美主义 perfectionism

理性地评价 evaluate rationally

量力而行 do according to one’s ability

因果关系 causal relationship

审美价值 aesthetic value

维护国家的福祉 safeguard the well-being of the country

人文主义关怀 humanistic care

挖掘普遍需求 mining universal demand

私德 private morality

小过失 peccadillo

共同作用 joint effect

大局观 overall view

苏联 the Soviet Union

宽泛的概念 a broad concept

淘汰 be sifted out

刚需 rigid demand

全知全能 omniscient and omnipotent

适得其反 have an adverse effect

对立的 antagonistic

根本性问题 fundamental issues

治标不治本 treat symptoms but not root causes

安慰剂效应 placebo effect



However, important questions are left unaddressed, so the argument is not as persuasive as the author intended.

However, the evidence provided in the passage is insufficient to corroborate this suggestion. 

However, the inference from the author is based on insufficient evidence, and other explanations could equally account for the information presented.  

However, underlying in the line of reasoning are several unwarranted assumptions that seriously undermine its persuasiveness. 


All in all, the author needs to supply the aforementioned information/rule out the alternative possibilities/fill these loopholes. Otherwise, her conclusion cannot persuade readers/stand on firm ground.